Meet Our Cast

Jessi Who | Jessica Williams
Jessi Who, yes that is her last name. Simple chick whose goal is to one day become a TV show host and make a difference in people’s lives by being funny, witty and of course, adored. She moves to LA where she believes she has to tackle literally every aspect of the entertainment business to get there, don’t we all? She sees her best friend, Aelys, get discovered almost instantly and land a recurring role on a TV Hit Series. Jessi falls in the LA trap of having to “look” like everyone, cute, petite, Kardashian, – there’s only one problem, she is none of that.
Aelys | Gabriela Giusti
Jessi’s long time best friend who snagged herself a lead role on a new hit TV Series. Aelys seems to have it all – looks, relationship and success. Where Jessi hasn’t been so lucky.

Randi | Rebecca Galcik
Aelys’ girlfriend, very cool and collected, tries to be supportive of Jessi’s impulsive decisions, but often times finds herself keeping it very real about how loudicris some of her decisions are.
Jade | Lei' Lani Lee
Jade is part of the insta famous duo known as “The Jays” and Jessi’s next door neighbor – on video she comes off as a typical trendy influencer, but outside of that, she’s much more than that.

Jazmine | Alexsandra PiazzaPalotto
Juno | Juno Guerra-Rutledge
Adored cat belonging to “The Jays”

Wayne | Wes Owen
We first think he’s just another “playa” but soon we come to see that he’s Jade’s big brother as well, which makes things a little bit more awkward for Jessi.

Emily | Brittney Santiago
She’s Spiritual, go with the flow attitude, and truly random as f**ck.
Roman | Chris Harper
Jessi’s bartender and confidant, often times he lends her an ear as he pours her a drink, or two or three…

Tilly | Lisa White
Owner of the “Happy Kids Club”. Dry, sarcastic, slightly bitchy but she loves her kids!